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The difference between cold rolled and hot rolled aluminum sheets

December 23, 2019

Cold-rolled aluminium sheet is also called Cast-rolled aluminium sheet. The difference between cold-rolled aluminium sheet and hot-rolled aluminium sheet is from six aspects: price, blank supply, production process, performance, use and finished product.

1. Price: Cold-rolled aluminium sheet is simple in technology and cheaper than hot-rolled aluminium sheet.


2. Billet supply is different: the difference between the two is that the billet supply is different. Hot rolled material: aluminium ingot - melting and casting into flat ingot - milling surface - homogenizing annealing - hot rolling into plate and strip

Casting and rolling stock: aluminium ingot - smelting - rolled into strip by casting and rolling mill. Compared with hot rolling, the production efficiency of casting and rolling is higher, but defects such as composition segregation and inclusion are not easy to solve, and the quality of hot rolling is not as good as that of hot rolling.

 Cold-rolled aluminium

3. The production process is different: cold rolling is processed by casting machine into casting coil (8mm thickness) and processed by cold rolling mill, while hot rolling is heated by aluminium ingot (400-500mm thickness) and rolled by hot rolling mill at high temperature.


4. Different properties: hot-rolled aluminium sheet has good surface quality, strong mechanical properties and ductility, and good oxidation effect. At the same time, the processing of aluminium wafers is generally processed from aluminium sheet, which naturally receives the influence of the properties of aluminium sheet.


5. Different uses, cold-rolled aluminium sheet is mostly used in die, hot-rolled aluminium sheet is suitable for stamping and drawing.

5052 aluminum

6. Distinction of finished products: Generally, the elongation of cold-rolled final products is lower than that of hot-rolled final products. If the product is Cast-rolled or hot-rolled, the surface of hot-rolled product is usually brighter.